shared interest groups - in progress!GSAE's Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) offer one of the best resources for association executives and professionals. These self-directed groups of GSAE members focus on a particular area and delve into various topics within that area. SIG meetings often qualify for Certified Association Executive credit (normally 1 hour per meeting). GSAE SIG Meetings Online - GSAE1917 YouTube Playlist. Join a SIG by logging into your profileavailable shared interest groups (sigs)CEO SIG - Discussion group designed for CEOs serving an association or AMC. Communications SIG - For anyone who has communications as part of their day to day function Emerging Professionals SIG - This SIG is designed for GSAE members who are new to the association profession and are interested in connecting with peers and leaders to grow professionally. Government Relations SIG - For association professionals who have an interest in government relations or who work in an advocacy environment. Meetings SIG - For those who plan association meetings, conferences and tradeshows. Pajama Brigade AKA Telework SIG - For those who telecommute and/or maintain full time home offices. Small Association Staff SIG - Designed for staff of associations with 10 or fewer employees. Focuses on best practices and sharing resources. Wine & Webinars SIG - This after hours series provides a more relaxed educational environment and wine notes! Check out the calendar. meet the gsae sig leadership