We are adding some quick, easy to understand language to the beginning of our Legal Policy statement to help you better understand what happens when you visit or download something from our website. We also want to provide an overview of data collection on GSAE members and our commitment to protecting your right to privacy. You may also find more information about third party advertising here.
**If you are an EU citizen and GSAE member and we are unaware of it, please submit your answer to our survey as soon as possible.**
For Visitors
There are cookies on our website as well as some Google Analytics coding.
- We track usage and downloading to know which resources our visitors find most valuable.
- When we have a website campaign such as for our Annual Meeting, pixel coding does allow us, through Naylor Association Solutions, to track your visit to the GSAE Annual Meeting registration site and re-target your browsing session with an ad encouraging you to come back and register. A variety of browsing tools will allow you to disable this feature, though we hope you won't, of course.
- If you visit us through a FEATHR campaign, membership or for Annual Meeting, cookies will also gather information on your browsing history unless you disable that feature.
- There is a lot of tech language on our legal policy, but please activate a “private” browsing section if you have concerns. We recognize some things may not be available to you if this is your preference, so don’t hesitate to contact us directly if we can help you find something.
For Purchasers
We process payments through several vendors currently.
- Moolah. Privacy Policy.
- Affinipay. Privacy Policy
- Square for real time payments (both chip and non chip readers). Privacy and Security Notice
- We are certified PCI compliant annually and undergo staff training regularly to ensure our practices protect the security of your credit card data
- If you register to attend a GSAE event, you will also be asked to consent to 1) emails from us about it and future events, and 2) the use of your likeness in any photos or videos taken during the event
For GSAE members
- See above for our credit card acceptance practices
- We request and collect the following data on our members:
- Contact information, including email addresses
- Demographic information about your employer, including buyer’s guide or association category, staff size, budget size, and scope of membership
- This data is stored with a third party AMS provider, MemberClicks. Privacy Policy.
- We do not sell email addresses; we do rent our mailing list after a use contract is signed by a company/individual and a sample copy of the mailing has been approved. However, there are certain third party service providers who receive your contact information, and in some cases your email address, to provide goods and services on GSAE’s behalf. See those below.
- Active GSAE members who are logged in to our website can view your information in the directory unless you contact us at the office to change your settings. Log in here to see what others see.
- In particular, if you are a citizen of a European Union country, you have the right to be “forgotten” by our system, and subsequently our service providers, by contacting us at the GSAE Office -1270 Caroline St. NE Ste. D120 #359, Atlanta, GA 30307, by emailing gsae"at"gsae.org or by filling out the opt in/op out survey here.
Other Third Parties Who Have Contact Information on Members from GSAE and Why
- Naylor Association Management Solutions publishes GSAE’s monthly e-newsletter, our directory and our quarterly magazine. They receive your mailing address for the print items and your email address, unless you have opted out, for our monthly e-newsletter, distribution of digital issues of our connections magazine, and for solicitation of advertising in any of the above. Privacy Statement.
- SeminarWeb provides the platform and registration process for our online webinar series in a consortium of other state, local and regional SAEs across the country. Quarterly, we upload your email addresses, unique IDs, and state so you may register, use the service, and receive email notifications about upcoming programs. If you do not renew your membership with GSAE, your information will no longer be provided.
- Boxwood Technology Inc. provides our job board for both job seekers and employers. They collect data to verify your legitimacy as a potential employer and your member number to verify special member pricing. By registering with GSAE’s Career Headquarters, you opt in for a different series of notifications, chosen by you. GSAE has access to your company’s name and payment history. We do not control your preferences on notices or alerts. You will be asked to accept their cookie policy when you click on the link from our website.
- Survey Monkey. We use Survey Monkey for pulse survey data and to gather membership feedback. Although we do not currently pre-load your name or email address into the system, we may do so in the future. Survey Monkey makes it extremely easy to manage your preferences if you receive a GSAE survey notice in that manner, and we can delete your information there at any time, again, at your request.
- We use Dynamic Benchmarking for our interactive compensation and benefits survey. From the company: "Dynamic Benchmarking will ONLY use GSAE's list to streamline the data entry and reporting process. The lists will not be shared with anyone else and will not be used in any other method. You can view our Data Integrity Statement by clicking here."
reminder about external Links
Links to external sites may be available on the GSAE Site. While GSAE will not post a link to an external site that it knows to be harmful or have unacceptable privacy practices, you understand that GSAE cannot be responsible for external sites, and cannot make privacy guarantees for those sites. You visit those sites at your sole risk.
If you have any questions about this Legal Policy, or would like to provide notices or requests under this Policy, you may email GSAE gsae“at”gsae.org or contact GSAE at:
1270 Caroline St. NE Ste. D120 #359 Atlanta, GA 30307 (404) 577-7850 office