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Webinar: The Foresight Imperative: Taking the Long View on COVID-19 and Your Association's Future
Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
Category: Webinars

The Foresight Imperative: Taking the Long View on COVID-19 and Your Association's Future

Published by Associations North and Georgia Society of Association Executives

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In a time of a crisis, our desire for everything to "get back to normal" as quickly as possible is overwhelming, which makes it very difficult to consider the future. When our present danger abates, however, we will not just go back to our previous normal. Instead, we must focus now on building our understanding of the plausible "next normal" worlds that could unfold during the remainder of this decade so we can anticipate and prepare for them. During this webinar, you will take the long view on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, why it makes the foresight imperative an urgent priority, and learn how you, your board, and staff can work together to build a consistent practice of foresight for the benefit of your association and its stakeholders.

Jeff De Cagna
Jeff De Cagna FRSA FASAE is executive advisor for Foresight First LLC in Reston, Virginia and a respected contrarian thinker on the future of associating and associations. He is the author of the 2018 eBook, Foresight is The Future of Governing: Building Thrivable Boards, Stakeholders and Systems for the 21st Century.In August 2019, Jeff became the 32nd recipient of ASAE’s Academy of Leaders Award, the association’s highest individual honor given to consultants or industry partners in recognition of their support of ASAE and the association community.

$45 for Members
$75 for Non-members

Credit has been approved with the American Society of Association Executives for 1.0 CAE credit.