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wine + webinars: 03/15/2023 - dealing with difficult boards -1 CAE credit
Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Category: SIG Meetings

wine + webinars: dealing with difficult boards on the ides of March

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
**New time*** 6:00 - 7:00 pm Eastern - we're getting a little closer to the old CAEs After Dark scheduling just this once!
Via Zoom 

Did you know? March 15th is well known as the Ides of March because of the assassination of Roman Emperor Julius Caesar on that day. Join us as we discuss difficult board and managing tricky governance situations with our colleague Mark Dorsey, FASAE, CAE. We promise no bloodshed. Ha! Four popular Roman wines to consider.


Mark Dorsey MBA, FASAE, CAE, CEO, Construction Specifications Institute

I’ve always been drawn to turning complex and seemingly intractable problems inside out and upside down by asking tough questions—in service to making society better, safer, and smarter. I’d say this is a hallmark of my career from when I started working in a manufacturing plant at age 13 to my work now as an association CEO. My role is to bring an entrepreneurial spirit, intellectual curiosity, and rigor to create new and different solutions to age-old challenges. I’m focused every day on how to galvanize teams to adapt, synthesize new ideas, and execute at the highest level in a rapidly shifting environment. Since joining the 6,500 member Construction Specifications Institute as CEO in 2015, the association doubled its assets, radically changed its governance structure and strategic approach, launched a for-profit subsidiary, and revamped content, learning, and credentialing, resulting in its best performance in two decades.   


Complimentary for GSAE members
1 CAE Credit

Register today

Upon registration, you will receive the Zoom information and appropriate links. 

This gathering constitutes a “preplanned in-depth group study of specific association management topic(s) with interaction between a minimum of three participants from different organizations [and earns] 1 CAE credit for each clock hour, up to a maximum of 20 hours per CAE [renewal] application.” (ASAE CAE renewal information)

meeting credit

The attendee list will be sent to GSAE and your attendance and CAE credit will be recorded in your profile, generally within about two weeks of the meeting.

gsae's antitrust policy statement

Adopted September, 2004 by the GSAE Board of Directors
It is the policy of the Georgia Society of Association Executives to comply fully with antitrust laws, both federal and state, and to avoid all conduct which is unlawful, or which may give the appearance of being in conflict with such laws. Click here for a definition of the Clayton and Sherman Antitrust Acts.