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Webinar: Enable Meaningful Human Connections with Networking Events of the Future
Tuesday, March 08, 2022, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
Category: Webinars

Enable Meaningful Human Connections with Networking Events of the Future

Published by Association Societies Alliance

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Members say today's virtual conferences are missing one key element. Networking!

Matchbox Virtual Media and Amanda Kaiser teamed up with over 150 super-engaged, powerhouse association professionals to explore virtual networking. Over two and a half months, we empathized, experimented, ideated, and tested diverse platforms and methods, developing new networking strategies for virtual and in-person events.

Join us as Amanda shares what worked and what didn't in this program devoted to connection, collaboration, and co-creation.

Presenter: Amanda Kaiser

Amanda Kaiser, a member engagement specialist, predicts associations will radically and rapidly change how they help members connect, collaborate, and co-create in the virtual space. As the co-creator and host of the Virtual Networking Incubator, she is excited to share new insights that will change how you think about delivering networking opportunities in-person and online. Find research reports, resources, and articles about member engagement at www.SmoothThePath.net.

$45 for Members
$75 for Non-members

Credit has been approved with the American Society of Association Executives for 1.0 CAE credit.