conflict of interest statement

The Board of Directors of the Georgia Society of Association Executives (GSAE) has adopted the following policy designed to avoid any possible conflict between the personal interest of Board members, committee chairs, members and staff and the interests of GSAE. This policy also applies in any case in which a committee chairperson or committee member may be delegated the authority to transact any business on behalf of GSAE. Complete online.

The purpose of this policy is two-fold. First, the policy seeks to reflect the spirit of GSAE's commitment to promote the highest ethical standards in the association management profession. Second, the policy seeks to ensure that decisions about GSAE operations and the use or disposition of GSAE assets are made solely in terms of the benefits of GSAE and are not influenced by any private profit or other personal benefit to the individuals affiliated with GSAE who take part in the decision. In addition to actual conflicts of interest, board members are also obligated to avoid actions that could be perceived or interpreted in conflict with GSAE's interest.

Conflicts of interest may occur when GSAE enters into transactions with not-for-profit organizations as well as those that are undertaken with profit-making entities. The best way to deal with this problem is to make known one's connection with organizations doing business with GSAE and to refrain from participation in decisions affecting transactions between GSAE and the other organization. Such relationships do not necessarily restrict transactions so long as the relationship is clearly divulged and non-involved individuals affiliated with GSAE make any necessary decision.


Any member of the Board of Directors, committee chairs, members and staff who may be involved in a GSAE business transaction in which there is a possible conflict of interest shall promptly notify the President. The Director shall refrain from voting on any such transaction, participating in deliberations concerning it, or using personal influence in any way in the matter. The Director's presence may not be counted in determining the quorum for any vote with respect to a business transaction in which he or she has a possible conflict of interest. Furthermore, the Director, or the President in the Director's absence, shall disclose a potential conflict of interest to the other members of the Board before any vote on a GSAE business transaction and such disclosure shall be recorded in the Board minutes of the meeting at which it is made. Any GSAE business transaction which involves a potential conflict of interest with a member of the Board of Directors, committee chairs, members and staff shall have terms which are at least as fair and reasonable to GSAE as those which would otherwise be available to GSAE if it were dealing with an unrelated party.

A written disclosure regarding any possible conflicts and of any adjustments made to avoid possible conflicts of interest shall be kept by the Executive Director.


  • "Involved in a GSAE business transaction" means initiating, making the principal recommendation for, or approving a purchase or contract; recommending or selecting a vendor or contractor; drafting or negotiating the terms of such a transaction; or authorizing or making payments from GSAE accounts. That language is intended to include not only transactions for GSAE's procurement of good and services, but also for the disposition of GSAE property, and the provision of services or space by GSAE.
  • A "possible conflict of interest" is deemed to exist where the Director or close relative, or a member of that person's household, is an officer, director, employee, proprietary, partner, or trustee of, or, when aggregated with close relatives and members of that person's household, holds 1% or more of the issued stock in the organization seeking to do business with GSAE. A possible conflict is also considered to exist where such a person is (or expects to be) retained as a paid consultant or contractor by an organization which seeks to do business with GSAE, and whenever a transaction will entail a payment of money or anything else of value to the official, member, to a close relative, or to a member of that person's household.
  • A "possible conflict of interest" exists when an individual affiliated with GSAE has an interest in an organization which is in competition with a firm seeking to do business with GSAE if the individual's position gives him or her access to proprietary or other privileged information which could benefit the firm in which he or she has an interest.
  • A "possible conflict of interest" exists when an individual affiliated with GSAE is a trustee, director, officer or employee of a not-for-profit organization which is seeking to do business with or have a significant connection with GSAE or is engaged in activities which could be said in a business context to be "in competition with" the programs of GSAE.


This policy statement shall be made available to each Director, committee chairs, affected members, and staff. Such people will be asked to sign the acknowledgment and an attached disclosure concerning reporting of potential conflicts of interest. Download pdf version.